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NeuroBounce will increase your vertical jump by at least 2 inches in just 4 weeks. This program is different from any other sports or athletic enhancement program. How? We use sophisticated EMG (Electromyography) to train the brain to maximize motor neuron recruitment to muscles used in jumping.

This leads to large increases in explosiveness, power, and vertical jump height when followed up with our specially designed strength and power training. Every muscle used in jumping is actually made up of thousands of individual muscle fibers, which must receive signals from the brain to be activated during athletic performance.

A higher percentage of fibers in a given muscle that are activated (and then strengthened and trained correctly) can result in more power, explosiveness, and vertical jump ability. This will give an athlete an extreme competitive edge in any sport.

M - F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM
SAT: By Appointment

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